Personal Coaching & Mentoring

Stop, look in the mirror, and reflect

What’s holding you back? Could you do with more confidence or assurance? Why do you behave or react like you do? Coaching looks at who you are and why, then helps you to make small changes to get the most out of you and your team.

Personal Business Coaching
Personal Business Mentoring
121 / Group: Form filling for home

Understand yourself and those around you

Personal Business Coaching

There are parallels with life coaching but you and I will work through business perspectives to help you develop, overcome fears, and reach your goals.

We’ll identify some of the damage that’s done to our confidence, thoughts and beliefs as a result of setbacks, disappointments, failures, or what we’ve been told and what others think of us.

Learning more about yourself, what triggers you, upsets you, dents your confidence or gives you doubts and makes you behave in a certain way is so useful – because we can slow down and not only think in a different way, but also act in a different way too.

Working with a coach allows time to reflect, analyse and reframe things; we are affected by how we view the world and how we think the world views us, but all can be altered to work in your favour, giving you the tools you need to achieve your goals.

What don’t you know about yourself? Personal coaching is an all-round look at who you are, and what has made you the person you are today.

It can help you:

  • Gain confidence
  • Prepare for a career change
  • Transition to a new role
  • Work towards a promotion
  • Develop interpersonal skills
  • Work more effectively
  • Give you accountability
  • Manage chaos
  • Find clarity

It can be hard to know where to start, but coaching helps you to slow down your thoughts, look at things calmly and in smaller chunks, making it all more realistic to achieve.

Personal business coaching benefits not only you and your work, but also your life outside of the workplace.

A safe space to explore who you are, reflect and make changes

Personal Business Mentoring

How much do you understand yourself?
Why do you speak as you do?
Behave in a certain way?
React to situations?
Handle incidents?
Are you impulsive?
A big thinker?
What’s your effect on others?

Personal business mentoring allows you to reflect on situations and how they were handled, and helps you to consider how you might handle them next time.

Your character traits, language, attitude and behaviour all have an impact on how well you can work with others in different roles.

Mentoring allows us to dissect and start to look at your strengths and weaknesses to ensure future encounters are productive, positive and successful.

Being alone in your thoughts and decisions can be isolating and unproductive – but having somewhere to let it all out can be very useful to get rid of the unhelpful bits and re-evaluate the useful bits.

Confidence in successfully completing forms

121 / Group: Form filling for home

Forms are needed throughout life – and sometimes, they can stand between you and success, or a necessary change.

They can take time, but once they are done, you could be on the way to a new job you want, to starting a new course, or a change in your life.We may need to fill them on behalf of others – dependents like children, or elderly family and friends.

Some forms make us wonder why the questions are being asked – and we don’t always give them the attention they require.

I’ll help you to:

  • Know what form you need
  • Understand the questions
  • Gather any evidence or supplementary material
  • Recognise what the question is asking, and why
  • Answer the questions the best way
  • Successfully complete the form
  • Know how to follow-up once the form has been sent off

Forms I can help with include:
Job applications, all benefits and allowance forms


Join me for a free 30-minute session* to let me know what your concerns are, what you want to change, and your goals.
We’ll start to look at how I can help, where to start, and what’s needed to help you to overcome your fear or  barriers, reach your goal or make sense of things.

*Free session via phone / video call. Face-to-face will incur travel expenses.

Do you need some help?

Mentoring for personal development

Business mentoring

Business coaching

Coaching for personal development

Form-filling for home

Form-filling for businesses

Phone Number

07532 162087

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